Do you need help with all of them or a specific one please include more info
Make searcher through goods without asking.
The customs officers were British loyalists, and were willing to do anything to help out the British government in America.
By expressing and exploring ideas that are relevant to human growth, philosophy has historically contributed significantly to human civilization. Philosophy is currently in trouble and irrelevant; it has devolved into a way to blather, profit, and spin wheels. Philosophy nowadays essentially abdicates its responsibility.
I make this statement because we are already dealing with significant physical encroachments that predict a major catastrophe for civilisation. There are too many to list, such as avoidable famine, widespread religious fanaticism, and climate catastrophe. A systematic philosophical strategy to solve this situation is urgently needed now. It is necessary to formally look for a broad conceptual framework as a means of resolving our shared issues. If there are any philosophy programs in existence today, they are few and ineffective.
Searching for wisdom's specifics seems futile when it cannot be sustained. The majority of the many philosophical schools must find a way to shift away from emphasizing historical emergence and toward emphasizing empiricism and pragmatism. Today's schools of philosophy provide a value that appeases those who engage in play with 'intellectual' reaches and helps those who have made it their vocation make money.