Acapulco is on the Central Time Zone or CST. They are one hour behind New York City, which is on the Eastern Time Zone. Therefore it would be 9:30 AM.
Portugal took the lead in overseas exploration due to their stronggovernment support. Prince Henry was the nations most enthusiasticsupporter. He saw the wealth that existed beyond Europe.
The military's presence in Texas grew exponentially during World War II. There were 142 major military installations across the state, and more than 750,000 Texans served in uniform during the war. Thirty-three Texans earned the Medal of Honor, including Audie Murphy, the army's most decorated soldier, and Cmdr.
Aristotle is remembered for his contributions to the field of philosophy and science during the Hellenistic era.
One of the biggest contributions made by Aristotle was the way in which he researched an issue. His advice to study books/research done on topics, to perform independent studies, and to gain a sense of the general consensus on a topic are the foundation of what would later become the scientific method.