D- loving. The husband showed that he cared for his wife and even though he was saving up the money for a gun, he gave his wife the money instead because he loved her.
It is the rhythm of the song. In a similar way, all poems that are not written in free verse have rhythm, or a beat, as well. We also call that beat meter. Each specific syllable in a line of poetry is called a foot.
Mrs. Hutton was the spouse of the essayist and artistic faultfinder Laurence Hutton. At the Huttons' New York home, Helen Keller met a large portion of the main scholarly figures of the day, including William Dean Howells and Mark Twain. At the point when Keller went to Radcliffe, Mrs. Hutton sent her empowering letters. Keller likewise composed letters to Mrs. Hutton refreshing her companion about her advance however school and thinking back about the circumstances they had spent together.