Will it be beastiary? (beast fable)
Answer: "You have to keep lying, and soon no one can trust you."
If we lie about something, we must usually invent the whole story to make it convincing. For instance, if a boy lies to his parents that he did his homework, while, in fact, he was playing computer games, he must prepare the story in advance. He must prepare answers to their further questions - which subject it was, what the homework was about, etc. This just creates more problems, because the boy will find himself in the whole web of lies. Moreover, if he gets caught by his parents, they will not trust him anymore. This is why it is much more simple to tell the truth and avoid further problems.
They had promised us higher wages.
I hope it help you
Its true
I did this in school today
A man is constantly affected by nature and unwillingly sees others' feeling as his own. We can't abstain from being slaves of our surroundings. Our opportunity lies in finding a domain that will impact us absolutely. You may my thoughts intriguing but its just an opinion.