Certainly, by the time he wrote the <span>Confessions,</span><span> Augustine had read some Plotinus and become much influenced by his style and arguments.</span>
This is evident in the Confessions, both in the persistent series of questions with which Augustine pursues a difficult problem (as in Confessions 1.3.3-4.4), and in occasional flashes of exhortation (as at <span>Confessions </span>1.18.28). Neo-Platonism influenced in Augustine his entire concept of God and of Creation. In the Neo-Platonist view, all things (including souls) had an infinite, timeless, and unchangeable God as the cause of their existence. Neo-Platonists held that everything existed only to the extent to which it participated in God. Plotinus taught that a person must turn inward to find God, who is identical with the inner reality of the soul.
1. Si offendono/ inviti
2. Finiscono /smettono
3. Guardassimo/ si arrabbierebbe
4. Vedesse/ averta
5. Arrivasse/ è
सही वाक्यों को व्याकरणिक नियमों के अनुरूप चिह्नित किया जाता है। Grammar defines सही वाक्यों. Below are वाक्यों का सही रूप।
<h3>Correct construction of the given sentences</h3>
The following are the correct structures of the given sentences;
- मुझे आज सर्कस देखना चाहिए।
- वह हर दिन हमारे स्कूल आता है।.
- बिपाशा पिछले हफ्ते चली गईं
- कई तीर्थयात्रियों ने पिछले साल गागनेस में स्नान किया था
- आवाज सुनते ही तोता उड़ गया
- किसी अन्य से पहले हमें वही दें
- पिताजी आ गए हैं।
- काम रोज होना चाहिए।
Therefore, the correct answers are given above.
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