The slenderman myth scared many children and has been a facinating story to kids and adults alike for years.
Uhh what???????????????????
The answer is A. .For the first time in decades,Baby Boomers have been outnumbered by another group-the millennial.
In a sentence, a hook is the first one or two sentence that is used to grab the reader's attention toward he writing right from the batch.
The hook also introduced the main topic that wanted to be discussed within the writing itself.
Alright that’s awesome :)
For your information, a diverse range of underwater species thrives in this habitat.
Prepositional phrases are those that assume the role of an adjective or adverb in a sentence in order to characterize or modify other words in that sentence. This type of sentence always starts with a preposition followed by an object, as is the case with the sentence: "For your information, a diverse range of underwater species thrives in this habitat."