In my opinion, I believe Rockefeller came out with the better deal because Rockefeller's success with Vanderbilt provided him an advantage over others.
hope this helps:))
i did mine on ray baker so here ya go
Ray Stannard Baker was one of the most important journalists of the Gilded Age. He was an American writer, popular essayist, literary crusader for the League of Nations, and authorized biographer of Woodrow Wilson. Baker became associated with the muckraker scene when he began writing articles for McClure’s Magazine in the early 1900s. Muckrakers were writers who exposed the political and economic corruption in big businesses and government through accurate journalistic accounts.
Baker began his newspaper career as a reporter for the Chicago News-Record in 1892 after graduating from the University of Michigan. During his six years at the paper, Baker covered the Pullman strike and the 1893 march of a group of jobless men known as Coxey's Army on Washington. Both events helped push Baker toward an even stronger belief in social reform. Establishing the American Magazine with the company of other investigative journalists, such as Ida Tarbell and Lincoln Steffens, pushed him to further his career and develop an even stronger belief in social reform. In 1908, Baker produced a series of five articles on the plight of the African Americans. “In this pioneering work in the study of race relations in the United States, Baker dealt with issues such as political leadership, Jim Crow laws, lynching and poverty.,” as stated in These articles were eventually turned into the book, Following the Color Line (1908). As a supporter of Woodrow Wilson, Baker was chosen to write Wilson's biography, which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1940. At Wilson’s request, Baker served as head of the American Press Bureau at the Paris peace conference (1919), where the two were in close and constant association, according to Baker spent fifteen years on the biography; the first two volumes of "Woodrow Wilson: Life and Letters" appeared in 1927, and six additional volumes were published during the next twelve years. As far as his family life went, he married Jessie Irene Beal in 1896 and had 4 children together.
The Black Death was a plague that started in Central Asia in 1338 then it reached to China in 1346 One false rumor was that the moguls started it which was not true It affected the Black Sea port by 1347. It killed from 75 to 200 million people. Then Europe was a victim of The Black Death 1346 and lasted until 1353. Cracow and Poland were not affected by the Black Death.
The Roman empire was well organized with good roads & active trade, so the new religion could spread easily. Constantine was a sun worshipper who feigned Christianity so he could take control and throw out it's one and only goal