Part A is:
Human adaptations to the environment, such as damming rivers, can have consequences. For example, for many years the Colorado River did not reach the Gulf of California because of a dam.
Read the following resources to learn more about the Colorado River delta:
Colorado River Delta Restoration Program
Colorado Delta Permanent Restoration Project
Controversy on the Colorado River
Part A
Now, write a paragraph that describes at least two problems associated with the damming of the Colorado River.
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The problem of damming is the people that make the dams have to make them over and over again. The dams can break but dam failures are comparatively rare, but they can cause massive damage and loss of life when this occurs. Dams within the Colorado River basin have changed ecological and environmental processes in many cases quite fundamentally within Dinosaur National Monument, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and Grand Canyon National Park by inundating.
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