Te answer is False. T<span>ension and relaxation are mutually exclusive--it is not possible to be relaxed and tense at the same time. R</span>elaxation of the body through decreased muscle tensions will, in turn, decrease mental tension. It is <span>Edmund Jacobson's who showed us Progressive Relaxation Technique.</span>
sepals protect inner floral leaves in bud stage of the flower, carry out photosynthesis, attract animal pollinators when petaloid (have same color with petals eg in pride of barbados)
A) Forms fewer ATP molecules than cellular respiration.
It usually forms 2ATP as opposed to 38ATP formed during cellular respiration.
Answer: el agua es importante para nosotros porque nos da muchos beneficios como por ejemplo nos bañamos con agua, tomamos agua para seguir hidratados, lavamos ropa con agua aunque sea en una máquina esa máquina requiere agua para poder lavar la ropa . Lavamos los platos sucios con agua , cocinamos con agua como uno de nuestros ingredientes . Así que todo sería differente de una manera mala si no
Existiera el agua .