In Russia, World War I became the catalyst for the ovethrow of Czar Nicholas II and the rise of the Communist Party (Bolshevik Revolution) led by Vladmir Lenin. Russia became the first Communist country. Communism eventually spread to small countries near Russia and eventually spread to Cuba, China and Vietnam.
Harry Truman did not support the 26th Amendment. The vietnam war was going on and government stated if the youth can fight wars, pay taxes and go through the justice system they should be able to vote...Harry Truman wanted to raise the age of voters to 25.
Hmm, tricky because if you use a car made of diamonds and drive into a wall @ 400 mph then the car is fine but the wall is destroyed, but if you drive a car made of iron into a wall made of diamond @ 400 mph the crashes but the wall is fine... now if you drove 400 mph of diamond at an iron wall there are no survivors, but if you drive 400 mph of wall at ipm (iron per minute) a small state detaches from south america floating into the coast. buut in another research a car made of walls going 400 mph into a single diamond disrupting the universe causing a planet to collide with ours, leaving 5 survivors... So the research is conclusive diamond is the hardest metal know to man ;))))))))))))))