Answer: Los hologramas
"Hologramas" is a masculine noun in the plural, so the definite article must agree on gender and number with this noun. Los hologramas.
Explanation: They need to do better
b. audio 2.listen to the song
Answer:What do you drink in the afternoon?
Yo bebo un vaso de limonada
What kind of vegetables do you eat for dinner?
Yo como zanahoria y brócoli
What food does your friend share?
Mi amigo comparte pizza
What type of meat does your friend eat for lunch?
Mi amigo come pollo para el almuerzo
Mi comida favorita es la pizza porque hay de varios ingredientes y diferentes bases. En cuanto a bebidas, prefiero aguas de frutas como limonada, jugo de naranja y algunas gaseosas.
English: "You are so beautiful, I have not met anyone like you, you are perfect in every way and you love my beautiful life you are a gift from heaven I love you"