Gamma rays
Gamma rays have the highest energies, the shortest wavelengths, and the highest frequencies. Radio waves, on the other hand, have the lowest energies, longest wavelengths, and lowest frequencies of any type of EM radiation.
A mountain peak on a topographic map a mountain would be represented by parallel contours of elevation according to the shape of the peak and the overall shape would be coming to a point or the peak of the mountain and since it is a mountain the contours would be fairly close together.
Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning. ...
Replace Your Light Bulbs. ...
Drive Less and Drive Smart. ...
Buy Energy-Efficient Products. ...
Use Less Hot Water. ...
Use the "Off" Switch. ...
Plant a Tree.
The correct answer is - B) wave erosion.
The beach erosion is a direct result of the wave action on the coastline. The waves are very powerful when it comes to erosion, and this is because they have big power, and also the chemical components of the water that are very effective too.
The sheer power of the waves contributes to the direct breaking of the rocks into smaller pieces over time, while the water itself, is reacting with the rocks on a chemical level and slowly decomposes them. As the rocks are getting smaller and smaller because of the erosion, the tiny fractions of sand particles are forming the beaches along the coastlines.
Changes from building houses to withstand either tsunamis or hurricanes. From changes to the local economy and how the food grows and what needs to be strengthen to adapt to the noticeable weather change. Also from the changes of local and current laws and or codes of laws.