D. An astronaut can't resist the temptation to push a mysterious red
button on her control panel.
No, this is false.
Just because you are using your own words does not mean that you're not copying or stealing the ideas of others. So even if you paraphrase, you should give the source of the idea. In general it's always good to give a reference - I don't think that it is ever a bad thing, so you can do nothing wrong if you do it!
Victorian Culture changed the ways the Victorians lived because Queen Victoria loved to be entertained and she loved to watch plays. One way that she changed the lifestyle of her time was the amount of plays people created for her. If it wasn't for her love of entertainment, we might not have our more beloved plays and shows today such as Shakespeare. In your play, look for quotes that illustrate the drive people have for wanting to create and perform plays during their time.
You have the option of politely declining to attend. Contact the family by phone or email to advise them of your decision. They’ll appreciate hearing from you and knowing you would be there if you could. When you call or write, share a memory of their loved one. In addition, see our list of ways you can support loved ones when you’re unable to express your condolences in person
Among paragraphs 8-38, we can see that Mary did not prepare dinner, but got ready, prepared a drink for her husband and waited anxiously for him to return from work because it was Thursday night. This was a special day when Mary and her husband had dinner outside.
This question is about "Lamb to the Slaughter", a short story that tells the story of Mary, a very pregnant woman dedicated to the welfare of her husband who is anxiously waiting for them to go out to dinner. Mary has a very strong admiration for her husband, loves his company and feels good when he is at home. However, the special night was spoiled when her husband comes home and tells her that their marriage is over.