Indefinite pronoun
An indefinite pronoun is a word that replaces one or more nouns (a noun can be a person, animal, thing, idea, place, etc) in a general way, in other words, without being specific to what noun is referring to. Pronouns such as <em>many, several, another, anything, any, anybody, anyone, either, neither, nobody, all, none, someone, some, each, everybody </em>and<em> few</em> are all examples of indefinite pronouns.
Here are some example sentences:
<em>Is there </em><em>anyone</em><em> home?</em>
<em>We can't leave our brother alone, </em><em>someone</em><em> needs to take care of him.</em>
<em>Several</em><em> of the speakers refused to debate.</em>
i think its d because i took this quiz before
1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
2. the state of being whole and undivided
Free will does not include the choice to think
As a society with free will, we have the right to how we communicate and express our ideas with others. But the choice to think on whatever you want however you want does not matter if you have the free will or not. Even if the rights to communicate our ideals and beliefs with others might be taken away, our thought process will not change. The only way our thoughts can be governed by another is through psychological techniques like brainwashing. But, given normal circumstances, no matter what the outside world thinks, the choice to think is a given human right and no law can prove otherwise.
Most likely it would be used to decrease his speed or to stop him from falling.