Songhai is #3
Mali is #1
Zimbabwe is #2
Ghana is #4
Building B; it is around 33.29 feet taller than building A
Given that when things are nearer they appear bigger, hence, if the buildings have the same angular elevation from the same spot, the taller building is further away.
This is based on the fact that the hypotenuse touches the top of building A and keeps ongoing at the same angle to building B, further away.
Therefore, we have =>
tan A = ht / 40
ht A = 40 tan 59 = 66.57 ft
tan B =ht / 60
ht B = 60 tan 59 = 99.86 ft.
Therefore, 99.86ft - 66.57ft = 33.29fr
Hence, Building B is taller by 33.29
Article 3 of the United States Constitution describes the U.S. judicial branch, including the Supreme Court, the federal courts, and the state courts.
This idea is different from the right of absolute monarchs like Louis XVI, because as the adjective implies, the power of these monarchs was absolute: they made the laws, they executed the laws, and they interpreted the laws. As Louis XVI himself once said "l'etat c'est moi", which is I am the state in French. The French state and Louis XVI were essentially the same thing.
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