Bold answers: Letizia Ortiz ₁nació en 1972, en Oviedo. ₂Estudió periodismo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Desde que ₃terminó, ₄ha tenido varios puestos importantes. Cuando la reina Letizia y el rey Felipe ₅se conocieron, ella ₆trabajaba como periodista de TVE y por aquella época ₇era una de las figuras del canal. Desde hace unos días, la reina Letizia y el rey Felipe ₈están en México y ₉han anunciado que ⏨viajarán a otros países de Latinoamérica como representantes de la Corona española.
Letizia Ortiz was born in 1972, in Oviedo. she studied journalism at the Complutense University of Madrid. Since she finished, has had several important positions. When Queen Letizia and King Felipe met, she worked as a TVE journalist and at that time she was one of the stars of the channel. For a few days, Queen Letizia and King Felipe are in Mexico and they have announced that will travel to other countries in Latin America as representatives of the Spanish Crown.
Me encantan las sillas que ustedes venden, pero me parece que el precio esta costoso.
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okay so two different things would be the culture and two similar things would be the launge