True, Andrew Jackson was the most openly partisan and politically involved president in history up to that point.
A partisan is an ardent supporter of a political party or army. In multi-party systems, the term refers to people who strongly support the policies of their party and are unwilling to compromise with political opponents. A political partisan is not the same as a military partisan.
This is similar to agenda bias in that it exists primarily when the emphasis is on politicians and how they choose to cover and present preferred policy discussions and issues.
To know more about partisans, click here.
Humans affect the water cycle in numerous ways. Some of our actions purposefully affect the water cycle and other human activities have unintentional consequences on the water cycle.We pull water out of the ground in order to use it. We change the flow of water using irrigation. We dam lakes and rivers for electricity and to create manmade lakes and ponds. The Colorado River in the US no longer reaches the ocean at times because humans have altered it so much.Climate change is causing numerous changes to the water cycle. Sea levels are rising in some areas and dropping in others, glaciers are retreating and disappearing affecting rivers, droughts are happening more frequently in some regions and floods in other areas, coastlines are changing and some islands are disappearing, the polar ice cap is melting, and so forth.
The use of pesticides, herbicides, and excess nitrogen for farming runs off into rivers and streams and pollutes groundwater. Deforestation, whether for timber or to clear land for agriculture or development, increases runoff. Certain emissions from industry cause acid rain .
Social exchange theory
Social exchange theory is the theory that says that social behavior is the result of an exchange process.
According to this theory, people weigh the potential benefits and risks of their actions. When the risks outweigh the rewards, people will not engage in the action or conduct.
In this case, <u>Person A donated money because the potential benefits included the boost of her self-esteem</u>, since this weight too much to this person, she donated the money.
On the other side, <u>the risks for Person B outweighed the rewards, since he was fearful or running out of money </u>and therefore he did not donate it.
Today: Sunday, 18 October 2020
Hour: 23.43 WIB (in Indonesia)
Hydrogen atom number is 1
Hydrogen (H) contain:
Proton = 1
Electron = 1
Neutrons = 0
Electron = atom number