<h3>hyy can be friend ,,,,,,,,,,,;)</h3>
Je vais en prendre trois.
Hey there,
<u>What </u><u>subject </u><u>pronoun </u><u>would </u><u>you </u><u>use </u><u>when </u><u>talking </u><u>about </u><u>Gerard </u><u>and </u><u>I?</u>
I → Je
You (informal) → Tu
Gérard → Il
Gerard and I → Nous
Gérard and You → Vous
Gérard et ses amis → Ils
Answer: Nous
You’ve already conjugated some, but here you go:
a. être-> est
b. avoir-> avons
c. parler-> parlent
d. chercher-> cherche
e. aimer-> aimez
f. habiter-> habites
g. aller-> allons
Remember conjugations are just changing a verb from its original form to the one that makes sense with the person doing something. For example in English, we don’t say “ I to listen to music.” we say “ I listen to music.”
To listen—(changes into)—> listen.