The Black Death was an epidemic of bubonic plague, a disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis that circulates among wild rodents where they live in great numbers and density. ... Plague among humans arises when rodents in human habitation, normally black rats, become infected
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Primary producers! They get their energy directly from the sun through photosynthesis. All consumers lose some energy from the previous level through indigestible parts, such as plant root (or later bones)
Answer: The World According to W Bush
The cause is somting that biring about an action or result
The Code of Hammurabi, written in cuneiform. This promoted literacy in society. King Hammurabi ruled Babylonia from 1792-1750 BCE. Claiming that he received laws from the sun god, Shamash, Hammurabi declared a set of 282 laws known as Hammurabi's Code. These laws deal with all aspects of everyday life, and it describes both major and minor offenses and their punishments. However, the rich and poor, men and women, and elites and commoners were treated differently under the law. This deepened the social hierarchy and distinctions between classes and genders, which soon became normal and accepted in society. These laws also influenced the need for one, powerful leader. It used the political power to generate bonds between the people of different races and backgrounds. The code also unified, consolidated, and secured the empire by setting a standard for moral values, religion, class structure, and gender relationships.