Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night is a masterful piece created during a time in which he saw the world as a unique display of solemn colors and shapes. The amount of space in the upper portion is filled with strokes of textures giving the painting a sense of movement. Van Gogh combines forms of reality with depictions of imaginary or fiction illustrations. He emphasizes the great quality of perspective from his point of view as a strong painter with a wildly creative mind. Vincent Van Gogh is undoubtedly a solid and unique artist which he managed to prove throughout all of his wonderful art pieces.
I hope this gives the right idea! Good Luck! (If you feel the need to make small adjustments that is fine) :)
Answer:there are four measures for the first one
ill have to firgure out the rest later
Whats the "RIDIN ROUND TOWN WITH A DRACO D R A C O"? I dont think its a question.
Hayloft, ocean eyes, Good kid in TLT
Black holes are important to our universe because it spreads atoms threw the universe.