What are the answer choices ?
Prefix: a group of letters that come at the beginning of a word. Root: the basic part of a word; the prefixes and suffixes are added to it. Suffix: a group of letters that come at the end of a word. un + change + able = unchangeable. Some words are just root words, meaning they don't have a prefix or suffix.
Persistent comes from the Latin verb persistere which means "to continue with strength." A persistent salesman refuses to give up.
jake (tells us) that he (lived) in England in 1970. He has (worked) in the same place for 30 years and is not planning to retire yet. He (lived) in Yangon for ten years before he moved to Mandalay, The doctor (examined) the patient thoroughly before he (prescribed) the medication
I hope this was helpful but I'm honestly not sure what the question is