Beowulf’s motivations for helping Hrothgar appear to be threefold: (1) The Danes are in need of help against a monstrous horror and Beowulf believes he can set things right for them; (2) Hrothgar had provided shelter to Beowulf’s father, Ecgtheow, as well as paid werguild in a feud that Ecgtheow had precipitated; and (3) Fighting Grendel will bring Beowulf renown and treasure. Modern audiences may question whether motivation (
well maybe that a mistress may be great but she'll never be the best or it's about that the mistress is just average
Are there options? If not, I would say it makes the mood eerie, and intense.
It is A, a gloomy day. when u think of black clouds, its gloomy, almost like its going to rain. it cant be the sun is setting because when it sets, clouds are sort of pinkish.if the clouds are moving, that really has nothing to do with the sentance. i hope this answer has helped.
to better explain some of the ideas in the main text is your answer.