<span>Arab Muslim scholars knew the classic Greek and Roman writings and passed it on to other scholars
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the 21st Century Congestion Challenges
the congestion challenges of today would not be beneficial at all for economic growth so they need to solve that challenge by adding infrastructure
Answer: The Underground Railroad work by giving slaves and place to stay. The slaves went from house to house with a light in a window. Most of the houses had secret areas or false floors and carts. The slave would either get in one of the false floor area or get in the cart.
Harriet Tubman was the leader of the underground railroad. She would tell the slaves a certain time to go to each house.
Hitler took great trouble to make sure that young people were loyal to him and the Nazi Party. He realized that in the future he may have to call on these people to put up with hardships, to fight and perhaps die for him. Therefore, it was important for young people to think that Hitler and the Nazis were the best thing that had ever happened to Germany.
Youngsters were indoctrinated (brainwashed) to think like the Nazis. Textbooks were rewritten to get across the Nazi message. Children were also taught to recognize Jews at a glance.
If a President has the power to cancel some parts of a new law, the thing that makes this possible is A) an amendment to the Constitution.