The road less traveled by is a fancy way of saying " That road nobody takes because they're all too afraid to. "
it basically means that it's the road less taken, e.g. " There have always been two roads before you enter the town of Corydon, Washington, however, no one has ever taken to the road to the left which doesn't yet have that fancy sign like the other roads do. The townsfolk say that road leads to a cliff, and/or just drops to nothing. So one day just out of spite of all the scaredy-cats I took that road to right, the road less traveled by "
I hope this helps if any!
Hello, Coach of the cricket club
I hope i don't impose with this email but would you kindly umpire in the upcoming match it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
The words that contribute to the tense mood of this passage are shake and nervousness.
Where is your dream house? In the woods of possibly Canada, or somewhere where it snows
How many rooms are there? 12, including backyard
What are the different rooms? Living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, music and art room, dining room, animal shelter room (cause I'd be a vet/scientist of woodland animals), library, large backyard
What are there in the rooms?
Whatever each of those rooms needs
What is special about your house? It is like a shelter for animals in need
I hope this helps! Good luck!