The Lewis And Clark Expedition's goal was the explore the new land to the west. One of there other goals was the find a waterway that stretched from the east side of the US to the other side, also known as Sea to Shining Sea.
Whats the qeuun? I think you misspelled something.
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In the morning with the first rays of the sun, the peasant woke up in his small house, which was in a small village consisting of 11 courtyards. A big friendly peasant family gathered at breakfast: A peasant with his wife, 4 daughters and 6 sons. Having prayed, they sat down for wooden benches. At breakfast, there were grains cooked in a pot, on a home hearth. After breakfast peasant should work to provide food to the knights and nobles.
Almost all the children of the peasant have already worked as adults. Only the youngest son, who barely passed 5 years, could only graze geese. The harvest was in full swing. All day peasant with his family worked in the field, making only one break for lunch. In the evening they came home very weary. After supper, the peasant helps his wife in feeding the pigs and milking the cow. After that, the peasant began to make barrels for water. After sunset, everyone went to bed. Mother and father on a wide wooden bed, children on benches at walls which have covered with hay. Tomorrow morning the peasant with his family was going to getting up early again and working hard again...
The statement is false.
President Reagan fired fire-fighters in 1981 and not 1985 for an illegal strike.
- President Reagan stated that the strike was illegal and in violation of laws of work and professional ethics.
- The President also issued a warning to the fire-fighters over their strike and threatened to fire them if they did not return to work within 48 hours.
- The workers did not return to work and so were fired and lost their jobs as a result.
Hoover took a hands-off approach, and Roosevelt did the opposite.
Herbert Hoover was under the impression that the stock market crash of 1929 was a simple market correction, that it would go away if everybody just acted like everything was normal, and that markets simply do these things from time to time. By the time Roosevelt took office in 1933, he understood that no quick solutions were to be had. He did start a lot of public works projects, like the Works Projects Administration (which gave a lot of people short-term employment teaching, painting post office murals, and cleaning up public lands) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (which put a lot of broke farmers to work putting a utilities infrastructure in place in parts of the South, putting the pieces of a post-agricultural economy in place).
He also instituted several "bank holidays" to discourage panic-driven depositors from taking all their money out of their banks. Austerity became the new normal in America and stayed that way until the US entered World War II.