I strongly believe that time spent learning a trade for career development is as valuable as the time invested in a college degree.
I think that the most important thing is the time invested in your dreams, it doesn't matter if it is a college degree or a trade, nor if one takes longer than the other or if one of them will get you more money. Time spent in something you don't like to do, eventually, will be a waste because you will not be happy doing that job and will probably quit sooner or later.
Whether you pick one thing or the other, you must really love it, you have to be passionate about it and, if you do this, it'll be never a waste of time.
Well, there are two answers to this question actually.
I believe that a medieval ballad would definitely please a Romantic poet, because it is all about love and all that.
However, in Romanticism, poets and writers were obsessed with the macabre, so they would probably enjoy Greek tragedies as well.
1. The bones are being eaten by the dog
2. Was the car being sold by him?
3. The Holy Quran is read in the morning of everyday by us.
4. The chain is to be pulled by you.
5. My pen was being used by her.
6. They will be praised by him.
Can you give me some context? What excerpt?
They want to kill Telemachus's (The son) to get what they thought would soon be his. If Telemachus was dead and Odysseus was dead, Penolope would own the land. Whoever married her would get all of Odysseus's land.