first pic is A
second pic is E and go on ...
Yes it is it usually
The correct answer is - T4, and T3.
The Thyroid glands are butterfly shape glands madeup of microscopic spherical structures known as thyroid follicles made up of cuboidal follicular cells. These cells produces the both major hormones of thyroid gland T4, and T3.
The majority of thyroid hormones are produced as T4 hormones approximately 80% but a small amount of 20% is released in the form of T3 hormones. However, the most active form of the thyroid hormone is T3 and to act on target cells, one iodine molecule have to be removed to convert T4 to T3.
mitosis, cell growth, and differentiation
There are several ways through which plants grow which may include the process of mitosis mainly that involves cell division. The increase in height in plants is attributed to not only cell division but also growth of the newly formed cell.
Mitosis involved division of cell and in cell growth, cells increase their size that ultimately cause growth of plant height. The highly active growth cells are meristem cells that are found at tips of the plants. They are actively dividing zones of plants and with their division and growth plant increases their heights.
Another mechanism, responsible for increase in height is cell differentiation. Differentiation is the process during which cells are specialized to perform specialized function. For example: Xylem are specialized for transport of water. Phloem are specialized for the transport of food. Similarly, some cells are specialized for growth and they are aimed at increasing in size and division that ultimately increase the plant height.
So, mitosis, cell growth, and differentiation are the mechanisms, that increase plant height due to changes in specialized regions of cells in the tips of their branches.
Hope it helps!
The concept predates the term; Plato suggested applying the principles of selective breeding to humans around 400 BC. Early advocates of eugenics in the 19th century regarded it as a way of improving groups of people. In modern usage, the term eugenics has close ties to scientific racism and white supremacism.