donations from private investors
Popular sovereignty is equal to political equality among citizens, is the right answer.
John Locke is the most prominent political thinkers of modern times. He published the book name "Two Treatises of Government" in the year 1690. In this book, he supported a claimed that men are naturally born free and equal and gave more importance to natural rights. In the social contract theory, developed during the Age of Enlightenment, the idea of popular sovereignty was put forward by John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In this theory of popular sovereignty, the legitimacy of the law is based on the acquiescence of the governed. According to the thinkers, when people choose to live in a society they give up some of their natural freedoms in return of the protection from threats that come from the freedom of others.
Therefore, it may be said that Locke emphasized on the pair of popular sovereignty and political equality.
The treaty ended WW1 caused great resentment in Germany. That's how Hitler so easily convinced everyone to go to war again.
No, he was not buried in his Confederate uniform.
Even though democracy in theory must be something almost completely free of influence, all the influence of the people who have more power in society is still great, and it increases as social inequality grows
In situations where the population is in favor of deconcentrating income and wealth, this will has not found support in the political arena. On the one hand, there are those who insist on denying the problem, stating that the growth of social inequality does not produce adverse effects for society; on the other, there are those who declare that nothing can be done about the matter, since the culprits would be the <u>“market forces”</u>, neutral and impersonal economic mechanisms.