currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, purpose
is the article recent
is the article useful, read past the headline
who is the author, has the author written any similar topic, have they demonstrated expertise and experience
cab the context be verified by multiple sources
1. an adverb clause will always contain a subject, verb, and subordinate conjunction (this is what keeps it from being a complete sentence)
<span>2) until his arms ached. (his arms = subject, ached = verb, until = subordinate conjunction)
3) once they saw her car turn the corner. (</span>they = subject, saw = verb, once = subordinate conjunction)
4) When the storm started (</span>the storm = subject, started = verb, when = subordinate conjunction)
5) while being taught to bake cupcakes. (</span>she = subject, taught = verb, while = subordinate conjunction)
Japan’s deception and successive surprise attacks revealed its aggressive stance in World War II.
In the given excerpt from President Roosevelt's 'Day of Infamy' speech better known as Pearl Harbor Address that was delivered on 7th of December 1941, the key idea that is discussed would be 'Japan's deception(reflected by the phrase 'attack was deliberately planned') and successive surprise attacks(exposed Japanese onslaught and wicked character while attacking Philippine, Wake, Midway, Hong Kong, Malaya, etc.) on United States' naval and military forces disclosed its hostile attitude in Second World War.' This led the United States to enter the war officially when president declared that 'all measures be taken for our defense.' Thus, option B is the correct answer.
I believe the author was seven years old ignore what I asked sorry about that.
The famous actor didn't talk bout himself maybe because he didn't wanna seem selfish or wanted to hear about other people.