Fixed verse forms are a kind of template or formula that poetry can be composed in. The opposite of Fixed verse is Free verse poetry, which by design has little or no pre-established guidelines.
The various poetic forms, such as meter, rhyme scheme, and stanzas guide and limit a poet's choices when composing poetry. A fixed verse form combines one or more of these limitations into a larger form.
A form usually demands strict adherence to the established guidelines that to some poets may seem stifling, while other poets view the rigid structure as a challenge to be innovative and creative while staying within the guidelines.
The irony in this question is that Mr. Goodenwell was trying to keep his son safe and in the act of this his son got hurt with part of the equipment that was supposed to keep him safe.
Janie decides to speak back to Jody because she was tired of him making fun of her appearance. She says that he looks like "de change of life" when naked. This hits a really big dent on his ego because firstly she insults him in front of the other men and they laugh. The other reason is because the image that he had built up with the town, the "power" that he made others think he had was all gone because of Janie's words.
I'm sorry if this is incorrect! This is just what i think the answer is. Again sorry in advanced if its wrong!
Answer: D. That Icarus was triumphant in his flight even though he drowned.
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