New england was a good industry location because of all the materials and minerals located there.Francis Lowell contributed to new england's industrial development because he made the first textile mill.
Trotsky helped organize the failed Russian Revolution of 1905, after which he was again arrested and exiled to Siberia. As chairman of the Petrograd Soviet, he played a key role in the October Revolution of November 1917 which overthrew the new Provisional Government.
If you had come to America to practice your Quaker religious
beliefs, chances are you would have settled in Pennsylvania. The father of
William Penn was a Quaker and a charter was granted to William Penn by the
crown of England to name a colony after his father. Pennsylvania is now just 14
miles away in the south of Philadelphia. This is the main reason why it is
correct to feel that Pennsylvania is the place to practice Quaker religious beliefs
for any person.