Nothing much because he invented the printing press ☺????
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The painting is called the Last Supper and it is by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting represents the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles, as it is told in the Gospel of John, 13:21. Leonardo has depicted the consternation that occurred among the Twelve Apostles when Jesus announced that one of them would betray him.
Answer: for treble: ddd,daad, dggd, dggflat(fsharp) f, d d with two octaves, same notes over and over again. But third row treble: bflat c, ag, same notes that were mentioned above that you can figure out. Last line treble: dfdccbflat
Music alphabet: ABCDEFGA
Treble clef lines:Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
Treble clef spaces: FACE
Bass clef lines: Good Boys Deserve Fudge Always
Bass clef spaces: All Cows Eat Grass