Penelope said that before she married, she had to weave a burial shroud for Lord Laertes. At night, she would in weave what she had done during the day to hold off the suitors. After three years they discover her trick, and she is forced to finish the shroud.
The answer is b, he has a hint of a defiant streak in the passage it says:he was tired of being a stranger, meaning he isn’t normally like this so that means the answer is b hope this helps
Answer: To quit teaching. (For most teachers)
Explanation: Or if they like teaching, then to move to a high-class school to teach where the staff and co-workers are friendly, and where the pay is good.
Your personal values may influence your academic choices by the lifestyle you live. Let’s say you live in a small town you may want to stay close to home therefore you will go to a community college, that’s one example of academic choices. If you value family they may also have a say in your academic choices.