<span>British blocking american shipping lanes and seizing men and ships. The War between England and France, That is the answer for the first part, the second part is a little too difficilt</span>
Can help reduce mistake ,prevent improper behaviour in organisations ,They are important in businesses when one individual has too much control .Hope this helps :)
The Southeast Native Americans often wore deerskin/soft leather clothes.The heat often wore out the cloths on the Southeast Natives.
Prior to class, skimming your notes from the last lecture and reviewing the summary section of your assigned preforms a pre-class warm up.
Answer:Mindfulness Meditation
In Mindfulness meditation attention is paid to the surroundings i.e. where we are, what are we doing, sounds around us or thoughts i.e. quality of being Present. This Promotes calmness and a nonreactive state of mind by Practicing it regularly.
Here also client experiences match with the outcomes of mindfulness meditation i.e. calmness and high level of focus