जम्मू और कश्मीर की संस्कृति समृद्ध कला और वास्तुकला और मध्यकालीन युग की संस्कृति को दर्शाती है, जो अब महत्वपूर्ण है। जम्मू और कश्मीर की संस्कृति विशिष्ट और विविध है, जिसमें जम्मू और कश्मीर और लद्दाख के क्षेत्रों में रहने वाले लोगों की विभिन्न आदतों और जीवन शैली शामिल हैं।
l got it from a book
Hope it helps
China--Nixon recognized Communist China and was the first president to visit the country. He also began trade talks regarding China.
Vietnam--Nixon pulled out ground troops and created a peace agreement to end US involvement in Vietnam.
Nixon created the EPA which provided federal funding to protect the environment and create industry regulations on companies.
The answer of this question is three!
The effect was, Women had to care for their family and so "mans work".
cold means huddling, and the cold war was a war of the mind. No physical involvment
The cold war had minimal to no bloodshed