What are the options, where’s a and b
Hay mas caballos que vacas (there are more horses than cows). Los caballos viven en la casa the horses live in the house). Hay setenta y cuatro animales (there are 74 animals). Hay setenta animales (there are 70 animals)
In Spanish, the "like" verb works as shown in these examples (present):
A mi me gustan = I like them.
A ti te gustan = You (singular) like them.
A vosotros os gustan = You (plural) like them.
Ti = you
The personal pronoun that would correctly fit the sentence is "te".
A ti te gustan las plantas = You (singular) like the plants.
Hope it helped,
The name already suggests that the "personal" a is needed for people - So we will choose an option that has a person with its object. (so not with "reglas" )
It's not needed for possession, so it will not appear with the sentences that have "tener" in them.
It is needed in the last option: mira a Pablo.
Also, we will need it for "dile al encargado" because the encargado is a person in charge. But then it will bind with "el" forming "al" - so not "a" anymore