QUESTION: Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the sun. Loud and angry voices below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what had happened. He seen a guy yelling at a lady that she had cheated. Satish seen the girl crying saying “I didn’t do it he’s just a friend” he yelled at her “I seen the messages why would you do that to me” she ran. Her husband went after her yelling that he’s going to take her to court and get lawyers. She begged him not to do this. Satiah quickly ran over to her and said if she needed anything she stated laughing and said “yes, a lawyer” he called his friend and helped her. 2 weeks pass by and she lost the case because In did she did cheat he took one of the kids Nd she took the other they both had to switch after a week. The end sorry if this isn’t good I love tea so I ofc had to add the tea
Banquo is the father of future kings.
Macbeth was afraid if Banquo.
Macbeth kills Banquo because he sees Banquo as another threat to the throne. ... Even though Banquo is his close comrade, Macbeth is now on a single-minded mission to protect himself and his position, and he kills Banquo to maintain the throne.
Conjunction, “If” is a conjunctional term that begins a sentence with a dependent clause