Conflict:After the death of his mother when he is left in the care of the state. Description:He lives with an abusive family in a foster home until he runs away to look for he believes is his father,and eventually finds him.
The correct answer to this question is C to unite the colonists against the British government.
Down Below
The first task was to shoot the arrow through the hoops.
The second was to reassure penelope that they couldn't move the bed because it grew out of a live tree
or you could say that his last task was to kill all the angry suitors.
Usually repetition is used in oral cases to make emphasis in what the speaker is willing to communicate in his speech and also to make the oral speech more enjoyable with rhythm caused in words.
It refers to saying something twice but in different context.
<em>"My conscience hath a thousand several </em><em>tongues,</em>
<em>And every </em><em>tongue</em><em> brings in a several </em><em>tale,</em>
<em>And every </em><em>tale</em><em> condemns me for a villain."</em>
<em>--Shakespeare, Richard III</em>