The genetic code, that, when translated, forms proteins.
mRNA carries genetic code to ribosomes which can translate and make proteins!
they contain hymoglobin
the red pigment in blood cells
Ash can be harmful to an environment. It mostly depends on how much ash there is though. If a volcano erupted such as Mt. St. Helen's then yes that can harm an environment. Ash can cover the sky and block out the sun for days before disappearing and that will affect the life of plants
By using the radioactive dating to compare the ages of the rocks in different layers is the best way to compare the ages of layers from the two different areas as there is a sect in a rock formation, the oldest rocks are in the bottom layer and the most newborn rocks are in the top layer. Geologists have produced a set of principles to compare the ages of rock layers. They apply these principles to organize the layers according to their corresponding ages.