Obliterate- destroy entirely.
Politic- advantageous at the moment.
Tedious- involving a lot of detail work.
Venturesome- willing to take risks.
Tumult- disorder.
Callous- offensively insensitive.
The given words and their meanings are given as follows-
Obliterate- This means to remove or destroy someone or something completely. It means complete annihilation, destruction.
Politic- It means something that is advantageous for the moment, meaning temporarily or momentarily useful.
Tedious- Tedious is hard work, the act of doing something sincerely and in a detailed manner.
Venturesome- It refers to someone who is willing to take risks, not afraid to take the path others haven't.
Tumult- It means a disorderly or problematic situation., something that is in disarray, unrest, confusion.
Callous- It refers to someone who is rude, rough, with no sympathy. It is used for someone who has no heart, patience, or cold-hearted.
iambic pentameter" (also called "blank verse")
C. The water would become polluted.
Thames today is among one of the cleanest rivers across the globe and the question interrogates the impact of dumping wastes into it which would most likely be the pollution of water.<em> If people begin throwing the household waste into the river, it would lead to excessive water pollution again as it happened during 1830-60 when it became so polluted due to industrial and economic waste that it was affirmed to be dead biologically.</em> Around 10,000 people died due to water-borne disease Cholera as a consequence of the pollution of river Thames. Thus, if the people begin dumping again, it may lead to a situation worse than the previous spread of lethal diseases.
Answer: Im confused on the question
Overall I would say A?
Walt Whitman is America's world poet—a latter-day successor to Homer, Virgil, Dante, and Shakespeare. In Leaves of Grass (1855, 1891-2), he celebrated democracy, nature, love, and friendship