This righteous and lively indignation on the part of Californians after the long period of deathlike apathy, in which they have witnessed the destruction of other groves unmoved, seems strange until the rapid growth that right public opinion has made during the last few years is considered and the peculiar interest that attaches to the Calaveras giants.
You didn't provide the excerpt but if it's the one I found online, I think A would make the most sense as the passage is primairly based around his own actions. If not A, then D would be second choice I think.
all the animals were freaking out, they were scared.
The Gettysburg Speech is perhaps the most important speech in US history. This speech was delivered by Lincoln in less than two minutes, at the end of the American civil war. That's because the message he wanted to give was fast, clear and didn't need a lot of arguments, because it was evident that it was true.
Lincoln inspired by the principles of equality defended in the Declaration of Independence of the country, declared the end of the war based on the concept that the country was born to be a country of free people and owners of their own lives, the end of the war allowed freedom be offered to everyone, as the founding fathers wanted and fought for it. Thus, Lincoln established that the end of the war would bring a nation united in recovery and truly free.