The Bolsheviks demand a republic of the Councils of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Delegates; abolition of the standing army and the police, substituting for them an armed people; officials to be not only elected but also subject to recall and their pay not to exceed that of a good worker.
The Bolsheviks were a revolutionary party, committed to the ideas of Karl Marx. They believed that the working classes would, at some point, liberate themselves from the economic and political control of the ruling classes.
In the late 1800's, economic, political and religious motives prompted European nations to expand their rule over other regions with the goal to make the empire bigger.
I think I already answered this but here lol can you mark all the ones I answered brainliest! Thanks
The French army was well disciplined, and was one of the largest in Europe
OPEC means Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which is a group of oil producing countries that regulate the amount of oil each country is able to produce. An example of OPEC members are Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq.