A debit card is linked to a checking account at a bank that you have to open. When you use your debit card, you are spending your own money that you have placed in this account. A credit card is given to you by a company if you apply for it and are approved, and it has a monetary limit (ex: $15,000). You can spend any amount of money on this card as long as all of your purchases total more than the limit. You then get sent a credit card bill, which means that you have to pay back all of the money that you spent with interest. A budget is an allotted amount of money that you are allowed to spend within a certain time span. A payday loan is a small loan from a bank.
Debit cards are just cards that every time you make a transaction it takes that money out of something most people call a debit account. you have to put money in this account though. And a budget is an amount of money that you have to spend in say a week or a month. but you limit this amount of money so you dont overspend. not to sure about the other 2 but I hope this helps
D). statistics. this shows that you are up to date on facts, and can prove facts about the topic you are speaking about. facts and statistics are concrete evidence that emphasize your arguments and help make your tip cohesive. plus it makes you come off as smarter and more credible. -hope it helps