1. tear a newspaper. rip it into strips not very tiny pieces but just strips. What you shouldn’t do is cut it and just do it individually shaped as a strip. 2.Then you dip the newspaper one at a time into making it a paper mache. 3. Basically you need to mix the substances which are (water and glue mixed) 4. Then you need to find a form in which suits you the most when you’re making a paper mache. I’ve done this before and the results are remarkable!
Hey, are you okay? If you're actually having those kinds of thoughts, please seek help. Call the hotline number. I may not know your situation but life isn't as bad as ya think. It'll be worth it in the long run, so please don't do anything rash. You being gone would cause more grief and pain to the people who care about you. So please, keep fighting.
Low relief isn’t as intense as high relief and so creates a calmer aura, one that isn’t panicked nor angry in a way.
in terms of sculpture, low reliefs- many reliefs made but only slight, more so smoothing deviations
high reliefs- many reliefs made but drastic changes to what you began with
Answer: ALright but are you sure?