"aim small, miss small", meaning that if you aim at a man and miss, you miss the man, while if you aim at a button (for instance) and miss, you still hit the man.
Its great for keeping artists organized
Before 1450, Italian Renaissance humanism had little influence outside Italy. From the late 15th century (1400s) the ideas spread around Europe. ... Writers and humanists of the Northern Renaissance were greatly influenced by the Italian Renaissance model and were part of the same intellectual movement.
Axis of action in Continuity editing the imaginary line that passes to and fro through the principle actors defining the spatial family members of the scene. The digital camera isn't imagined to go the axis at a reduce and reverse the spatial family members. guarantees consistent display screen space and constant screen path.
The imaginary line allows viewers to orient themselves with the placement and course of motion in a scene. If a shot following an in advance shot in a sequence is located on the alternative side of the 180-degree line, then it's miles referred to as a reverse cut.
The Axis is an imaginary line that extends in the direction of the difficulty. while the camera is on one side of the axis the problem's direction is a positive way. however while the camera crosses the axis the subject's direction, relative to the digital camera changes
Learn more about Axis of action here