A spring forms where the water table intersects the ground surface. Sometimes, the ground surface is lower than the water table. This forms a natural water flow as a spring.
- An artesian well occurs where pressurized formations containing ground water is found.
- Unsaturated zone is not filled with ground water.
- An aquifer is a porous and permeable formation that can store ground water
The Los Angeles riots of 1992 were a series of serious riots, looting, and arson that took place in Los Angeles County, California in 1992. These were the largest riots in the United States since the 1967 Detroit riots, the largest in Los Angeles since the 1965 Watts riots, and the riots with the highest number of deaths since the 1863 riots in New York.
The riots began on April 29, 1992, when a jury acquitted four white policemen accused of beating a black taxi driver Rodney King, who resisted to be arrested. A video showing King being beaten by police officers was released to the media. As a result, thousands of African American citizens in Los Angeles, considering the verdict as unfair, took to the streets. The riots lasted six days. The crowd carried out thefts, assaults and arson, with losses estimated at over 1 billion dollars. Peace on the streets was restored only after members of the National Guard of California, 7th Infantry Division and the 1st Maritime Division were called to prevent further riots when the local police were unable to control the situation. In total, 63 people were killed during the riots, 2,383 people were injured, over 12,000 were arrested and 3,767 buildings were burned.
At low latitudes, the thermocline is a zone of rapid temperature
over a relatively short depth. it is associated with a similar depth zone marked by a change in density called the pycnocline.
At the end of the eighteenth century, village communities began to disband under the pressure of new forces
When plates move toward each other, they generally produce mountains. Where they move apart, there are rift valleys.
The Indian plate is moving northward relative to the Eurasian plate, so produces mountains.