USA and the UK are two different conglomerate of states in the world. USA, completely known as United States of America has a federal and constitutional republic form of government while the UK (United Kingdom) instills the constitutional monarchy-parliament governance. In this regard, the head of the state along with the representatives are elected into office by the people in the US. They do their roles as government officials under the code of an already set constitution. Conversely, the UK has its monarch who acts as the head of state and absolute power is not vested unto this monarch because there is usually a duly elected separate head of the government that exercises political powers. These leaders, like in the US, uphold a set of laws in the form of a constitution.
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- On average, a member of the U.S. House currently represents 710,000 residents.
- Shifts in population may result in a gain, loss, or maintenance in the number of representatives allocated to a particular state.
The United States Congress is the federal body responsible for the legislative power of the country, that is, it is through this organ that all laws in force in the country were established, debated, voted, edited and approved. The congress is divided into two legislative chambers the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has more significant power within the Congress, although the House of Representatives has less power, it is this chamber that represents the residents of each American state. Currently (2019), on average, a US House member represents 710,000 residents. In addition, changes in population may result in gain, loss or maintenance in the number of representatives allocated in a specific state.
An example of such an event can be when the Civil War ended. The country went back to the gold standard and destroyed large sums of civil war money which was useless now. This led to a major deflation because there was suddenly much less money than before and the money had higher value than before.