A Roman legion (from Latin legio "military levy, conscription", from legere "to choose") was the largest unit of the Roman army involving from 3000 men in early times to over 5200 men in imperial times, consisting of centuries as the basic units. Until the middle of the first century, 10 cohorts (about 5,000 men) made up a Roman Legion. This was later changed to nine cohorts of standard size (with 6 centuries at 80 men each) and one cohort, the first cohort, of double strength (5 double-strength centuries with 160 men each).
In the early Roman Kingdom the "legion" may have meant the entire Roman army but sources on this period are few and unreliable. The subsequent organization of legions varied greatly over time but legions were typically composed of around five thousand soldiers, divided during the republican era into three lines of ten maniples, and from about 100 BC into ten cohorts. Legions also included a small ala or cavalry unit. By the third century AD, the legion was a much smaller unit of about 1,000 to 1,500 men, and there were more of them. In the fourth century AD, East Roman border guard legions (limitanei) may have become even smaller.
For most of the Roman Imperial period, the legions formed the Roman army's elite heavy infantry, recruited exclusively from Roman citizens, while the remainder of the army consisted of auxiliaries, who provided additional infantry and the vast majority of the Roman army's cavalry. (Provincials who aspired to citizenship gained it when honourably discharged from the auxiliaries). The Roman army, for most of the Imperial period, consisted mostly of auxiliaries rather than legions. :) hope this helps you out
Answer: A large portion of the American public did not support U.S. involvement in Europe. ... The United States fought for unconditional surrender.
A). Lincoln was anti-slavery and Florida voters feared he would start a war to prevent the practice of owning enslaved persons.
The key reason for Florida considering Lincoln(who was the president at the time) as a threat was '<u>Lincoln's anti-slavery attitude which made the voters of Florida fear that he might move to the extent of beginning a battle for the rights of slaved and against the ones who own them</u>.' He even says, 'if slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.' Since Lincoln believed in leading the nation with morality, ethics, and constitution, this made Florida to think twice that his abolitionist attitude may pose a threat to them. Thus, <u>option A</u> is the correct answer.
Hitler was elected as a strong leader by Germans who felt angry following the Treaty of Versailles,
Your best answer is D, but it doesn't really make sense.
Adolf Hitler rose to power during the Great Depression with the collapse of the provisional government, which was set up by the Allies after World War I. He helped bring prosperity to the German people, lifting them out of the great depression, and giving them jobs that included manufacturing, building & beautifying, arts and sculpture, etc. The reason D doesn't make sense, is because, yes, the Germans were angry about the Treaty of Versailles as being unfair, but it wasn't the only reason that allowed Hitler to rise to power. The failure of the provisional government, the Great Depression, and many other events were all influences to Hitler's rise to power.
A. Negative
What do you think when you hear the word<em> muddy</em>?
I highly doubt that it is rainbows and sunshine. Muddy means dirty, gritty, almost raw. Definitely on the negative side.