The slave trade was a practice whcih played a major rolein the colonial economy. It started when the African slaves were brought to the caribbean mainly to work in plantations, or in places were labor was needed, due to diseases and the mortality rate. At the beginning, the colonies did not really required large numbers of slaves.
The first colony receiving slaves was Virginia, which in 1619 received the first ones. This cipher grew up exponentially during thefollowing years,and it is estimated that by 1770,the numberof slaves was over 185.000 in Virginia alone, which makes it the Colony with the highest number.
The first major farming group to promote better conditions
The Grange was a movement that had its goals o the improvement of the conditions for the farmers. This movement was educating the farming families, making them familiar with the new ideas and technologies, as well as having multiple different social programs. Weirdly enough, this movement was also with a religious background, so the religion played a crucial part in its activities. The Grange was formed in 1860 and was very popular until 1880, but larger organization later out-competed it and it lost lot of its members. The movement is still active nowadays though, with small but loyal membership.
The imperialists needed workers to work on the land that was colonized. The locals were not an option because they were often either insubordinate, or they were protected by the law. That's why having slaves to work in those colonies was great, which is why they got them from Africa.
public bond sales and taxes