discreet- careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.
"we made some discreet inquiries"
The prisoner always like being rewarded because the reward is a beautiful woman
They use adjectives to describe the characteristics of their character, and when using dialogue they'll sometimes have them use witty remarks or have them be more bland based on the personality that hey wish to convey. Also, an author will, after or before dialogue, add an adjective to what they're saying. For example: "I've been there before" Victor, said casually. Or: Ashley yelled "Well you should have known!" punctuation is also a key element in conveying a character well.
a verb expesses an action
I hope this helps
Spender uses a number of different nature symbols in order to convey his feelings about his childhood. He describes the children he was afraid of and bullied by as tigers and dogs, and writes about them being on cliffs, by streams, and behind bushes. These techniques portray the children's actions as animalistic, while drawing the reader into the fear and tension of the speaker.